Saturday, June 16, 2007

Aao CRIB kare!

Crib! Crib! Crib!

I often used to wonder what the biggest problem our country faced was. I personally felt that the 2 major forces which held India back were PROVERTY and ILLITERACY. Yes, corruption, overpopulation and complacency are also major issues but these are lifeless. They exist due to the above mentioned 2 major problems. These can be termed as side-effects.

But off-late I seem to have changed my opinion and now feel that it’s the mindset of the people. They resist accepting the change which is for the better of the most and fail to understand the status quo. These guys just crib about anything and everything. (Hope I am not doing the same). Ill just quote a few examples which made (inspired would be the most inappropriate word) me write this post.

RJ once was cribbing about the rain and that it forms puddles on the road. Wasn’t he the one who was waiting for it eagerly few days back? Doesn’t he know what respite rains bring to people?

Then I heard him crib about the construction work that was going on to widen the roads. Wasn’t he the one who pointed out that the hawkers were occupying valuable space by roadside which could be used for vehicles to commute on?

Then I was reading a national newspaper and they had carried out a survey and came up with stats which mentioned how much electricity and water was wasted in a movie shoot. Doesn’t the same news company vouch for exclusive rights of the awards function? Isn’t it the media house that wants bollywood to bring an Oscar to India?

Being so much exposed to media of all sorts I almost came to a conclusion that it was the cribbing nature of the people here which don’t let the country prosper. Can’t they just mind their own business and let the concerned person do his work. But after all it is about the TRPs, the advertisements and MONEY!

1 comment:

Nitin said...

And so u decided to Crib about the state of affairs in the country,,,